Reception have really enjoyed learning their first Talk for Writing text, ‘Spot.’ The children have been immersed in learning the story, thinking of some actions to go with the story and re-telling it to their peers. Their teacher has boxed up the story with the children’s help, discussing the characters, the setting, the problem and the solution in the story. The teachers have also drawn their own story map, which the children read the story from. Each day before reading the story the children discuss any unfamiliar vocabulary. The children have enjoyed reading the text in the book corner and also drawing their own story maps in outdoor learning.
Last week Reception innovated the story and changed the places where Spot hides in the story. For example, instead of hiding in an oak tree, or behind a toadstool the children choose places around the school. The children have loved their English lessons and it’s been great to see them re-telling their first text. Well done Reception!