Welcome to the Year 5 page!
Residential to Osmington Bay, Dorset : 9th – 11th September
Learn more about the trip by clicking this link
Please find a PDF of the parent meeting and kit list at the bottom of this page.
We are keen to share information about our topics and what we will be learning across the curriculum. Below are links to our current topic overview sheet and our curriculum overview for the term.
In year 5, there is a continued focus on the importance of reading regularly, both in school and at home, to improve children’s fluency, reading stamina and exposure to a wide range of sophisticated vocabulary. Specific reading comprehension skills are taught in lessons throughout the year and will help children to improve their skills of retrieval, inference and build an understanding of an author’s intent.
It remains important for children to continue to practise their times tables in year 5 as having a rapid, accurate recall of multiplication facts is a fundamental skill required across the maths curriculum.
In addition to the different spelling rules taught in school, children in years 5 & 6 are expected to be able to spell words from the list below. Again, these will be taught in school.
Home Learning
Children should read a minimum of 3 times a week and record this in their home school book by colouring the star with the corresponding date each time they read. Children have a home learning book, which they take home on a Friday and is due back in on the following Wednesday. Home learning will be a maths task, which will focus on increasing your child’s fluency and arithmetic skills. We also encourage all children to log on to TT Rockstars and LbQ as much as possible.
Daily 10 – Mental Maths Challenge – Topmarks
Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise
Time – KS2 Maths – BBC Bitesize
Match the Times – 5-11 year olds – Topmarks
Spelling – Year 5 KS2 English – BBC Bitesize
Lead Topic – Geography: How sustainable is our community?
As Geographers, we will be learning about how we produce energy all over the world and why some locations are changing how they produce and use energy. To help us gain both an understanding and form our own opinions, we will use a range of geographical resources to consider how renewable energy is used and how this links to geographical diversity. By looking at geographical similarities and differences between countries, we will then be able to consider why some regions are interconnected or interdependent.
Resources and sustainability | KS2 Citizenship | Primary – BBC Bitesize
Explore fossil fuels and renewable energy – BBC Bitesize
How does solar energy work? – BBC Bitesize