Good Behaviour Policy
At Winton we aim to excite and engage our children in their learning and provide a stimulating and motivating learning environment. We know that when children learn in this way, in the right environment, they are normally well behaved and engaged in what they are doing. However the management of behaviour needs to be consistent, positive and supportive for all pupils and our Good Behaviour Policy is one of the tools we use to achieve this. By reading our policy you should be able to see the underlying values and ethos we apply to behaviour management as well as the clear rewards and sanctions which we use to promote good behaviour. To read our policy please click the link below.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Part of making our school a safe and secure place to learn is also having a clear Anti-Bullying Policy. In most primary schools, including Winton, bullying is rare. However there will be incidents in every school at one time or another and it is vital that the procedure is robust and transparent to ensure that if there is a problem it is dealt with fairly, quickly and efficiently. Our Anti-Bullying Policy is also published below and you can view it by clicking the clink.
Suspension from school
Suspension from school is a consequence for certain behaviours and is a sanction that we use only rarely. It is one of the most serious sanctions and if a child is suspended they will be provided with work to do for the period of their suspension. A fixed term suspension is used for a serious breach of our behaviour policy or repeated breaches of our policy. Should it be necessary to suspend a child from school we will work alongside their family to do all we can to prevent a recurrence. Part of this process is a re-integration interview, usually with the the Headteacher, before the child returns to school. Any suspension from school would be in line with the latest Department for Education (DfE) guidance which can be found here. There is a link to the school policy at the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions regarding behaviour please discuss them with your child’s classteacher or a member of the senior leadership team.