Welcome to the Year 6 page!

We are keen to share information about our topics and what we will be learning across the curriculum. Below are links to our current topic overview sheet and our curriculum overview for the term.

The final year of primary school is hugely important for children as they prepare to transition to secondary school.  Our approach to teaching, learning and homework is designed to enable children to build their independence. Reading regularly at home is still vitally important for children in year 6 as they continue to expand their vocabulary as well as their understanding of the impact an author’s choices has on a reader.  Specific reading comprehension skills are taught in lessons throughout the year and will help children to improve their skills of retrieval, inference and understanding of an author’s intent. Children will continue to practise their times tables as having a rapid, accurate recall of multiplication facts is a fundamental skill required across the maths curriculum. 

In addition to the different spelling rules taught in school, children in years 5 & 6 are expected to be able to spell words from the list below.  

SATs Parent Information Evening

Home Learning

Children should read a minimum of 3 times a week and record this in their home school diaries. Each week, children will be given a page of maths, reading comprehension and/or SPaG from their CGP books. We also encourage all children to log on to TT Rockstars and LbQ as much as possible.

Learning by Questions (lbq.org)


Maths Games

Times Tables Rock Stars

Videos and Worksheets – Corbettmaths Primary

IXL – Year 6 maths practice

Problem Solving Games



Rollama– some games require an account, but you can sign up to a free, no obligation, 30 day trial.

Grammar Monster – Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests


Spelling – Year 6 KS2 English – BBC Bitesize


Lead topic – Geography: Why is World Trade important?

During our topic, we will learn what world trade is and how it became global. We will gain an understanding of how trade has changed over time, and will link our learning to our historical knowledge of World War 11: considering how trade was impacted both during and post-war. As Geographers, we will be researching how countries are interconnected and interdependent, with a particular focus imports and exports. To help us understand this, we will explore geographical diversity, using a range of maps and Ariel images to consider the importance of physical features. We will also investigate how and why some countries around the world are changing in line with the concept of Fairtrade and sustainability.

Explore trade – BBC Bitesize

What is trade? – BBC Bitesize