Winton Primary School has changed its management information system (MIS) to Arbor.
We use Arbor for:
- Communication with families
- Managing Parent Consultation appointments
- Booking clubs
- Organising consents and payments for Trips
- Gathering Parental Consents and information
- Payments
It is strongly recommended that all parents and carers download the Arbor app onto their mobile phone (Link to Android and Link to iOS)
Why should I create an Arbor account?
Arbor is the new system you will use to receive communications from the school, where you can book clubs and parent consultation appointments, make payments and view your child’s attendance. ParentMail and SchoolCloud will no longer be used.
How do I create an Arbor account?
Arbor app
Download the free app onto your phone – simply search for Arbor in your device’s app store.
On the login page, click on Forgotten Password and you will be emailed a link to login.
You will be asked to enter your child’s date of birth to verify your account – if you have more than one child at the school, enter the date of birth of your oldest child.
Parent Portal
In a browser window, go to
On the login page, click on Forgotten Password and you will be emailed a link to login.
You will be asked to enter your child’s date of birth to verify your account – if you have more than one child at the school, enter the date of birth of your oldest child.
If you are having problems logging in, please refer to the support documents below and if you are still stuck, please email [email protected]
If you see anything in your account which doesn’t look right, please email [email protected]
Please see the support guides we have produced for you below. You can also refer to the Parent support pages via Arbor’s online Help Centre