For several years schools have been allocated a sum of money to improve the quality of sport in primary schools. The funding is known as the primary physical education and sport premium. Winton has received just over £23,000 in sports premium funding for the year. At Winton the decision was taken, by the Governing Body, to invest core money on top of this allocation and employ two specialist PE teachers. The Governing Body will maintain this investment for the academic year and beyond which will equate to an annual cost of about £110,000 in order to create a broad PE and Sport curriculum.
The purpose of this investment is two-fold. Firstly the quality first teaching pupils will receive will be improved by all having a minimum of one hour a week from either specialist PE teacher (This is in addition to the classroom teachers delivering another hour of our Fit 4 Life curriculum). This will go some way to addressing the varying quality of teaching that we identified pupils received prior to the premium being put in place. The specialist teachers also have 0.2 of their timetable to improve PE and sport across the school, this is where the Sport Premium Fund will be allocated (£23,000) enabling the specialist teachers to meet annual objectives. In this time the PE specialist teachers will arrange CPD for staff, model lessons, develop PE initiatives and improve competitive sport opportunities that continue to improve the curriculum. This will go a long way to sustaining a legacy that stretches beyond the funding allocation. The specialist teachers will also aim to increase the range of sports that our pupils can access as well as improve whole school PE and sport teaching. By developing schemes of work that all teaching staff can use and supporting the CPD of teachers, when teaching sport, the impact will be greater for our school. Over the last few years we have also dedicated a significant amount of funding to improving resources for the teaching of sport. £8000 has been spent improving our sports pitches and goals, developing the quality of gym equipment and resourcing different sports with improved equipment for teaching.
We have evaluated the impact of the funding over the last year. We have an action plan to ensure this level of impact is maintained. The review of last year’s impact and the plan for this year can be viewed by clicking the link below.