The children in Reception had a very exciting week. They went on their first school trip.
A double decker bus arrived to take them to the museum, this was exciting in itself!
At the museum they were able to see lots of old planes, read the signs and learn about planes from the past. What was so brilliant was that they could get inside many of the planes; sit in the cockpits, pull the levers, push the buttons and pretend they were pilots!
There were lots of different types of planes to look at, including 2 passenger planes, so the children were able to pretend they were going on holiday, hand out food and drink, put on air steward uniforms and try the seatbelts.
A great time was had by all, and our youngest children were super representatives for our school.
They left behind a book of their learning, so if you visit please go to the till area and ask for the Winton work.