This week in English we started our new talking story ‘The Snail and the Whale’. We started by talking about our likes and dislikes of the story and then explored some of the vocabulary that we found unfamiliar. Each of our new vocabulary words have been given an action to help us remember them more easily. We have been learning a little bit of the story each day and have been the children have been loving learning the actions and retelling the story. The children have been given some autonomy to help choose the actions as a class and they have come up with some brilliant ideas. The Snail and the Whale has given us an excellent opportunity to identify rhyming words within the story and the children have been super spotters and have found lots of them. Well done Reception!
Some of the children have been drawing up the story map. Look at their fantastic drawings! They were able to remember the talking story without any support and did their drawings independently.
We have had some excellent writing too!