Marvellous Marwell

As you may recall the children in Year 1 have been learning about animals and classification. Their topic was launched by a visit from the Creature Teachers where they got to hold a variety of different animals from all different classification groups.


Throughout the last half term the children have been preparing work to be sent to Marwell Zoo. They wanted to share their learning with some experts and receive feedback on how well they had done and what they could improve on, or learn next.

Alongside this the children have been working hard at home to complete chores and to help around the house. They were sponsored to do these kind acts and raised £427.00 for Marwell; well done Year 1, this is a huge achievement. 

Happily we received a lovely letter from Sue Crane, one of the teachers who works in the Education Centre at Marwell. She was very impressed with our learning, and asked us to find out more about what different animals eat, and if we can use this information to classify animals into different groups. What a good idea! Look out for more learning on this in the spring term. 

Here is the lovely letter from Sue-

Well done, again, Year 1 for some amazing fund raising, and we will send our learning on what animals eat and how they can be classified to Sue in the spring term.