What a busy first half term we have had at school. Miss Youngson, Miss Dyke, Miss Power and Miss Braden are so proud of all of our children. We have settled into school brilliantly, and have learnt all of our school routines so quickly. We have been so impressed with how well the children have adapted to school life, and have already completed their first half term of school – Well done everyone!!
When we started our ‘Welcome to Winton’ topic, we went on a tour of the school. We looked at all the areas of the school that we would be doing our learning in. We visited the music room, the computer room and library, the hall where we do P.E and even walked around to see the field and courtyard too. Across the half term we have also met the important people in school, they have come to visit our classrooms and we asked them some great questions about what they do around school.
Now we are finishing our topic, we wanted to show all of our families how busy we have been. In usual circumstances we would have loved to welcome you into school to have a look around, with the children doing their very own tour for you, but instead we have made a video which has been uploaded to Tapestry for you to watch at home.
Each class started their tour in their classrooms. We looked at where we sit to do our learning, where we keep our favourite toys and the art areas where we can make arts and crafts. We have also been busy with lots of art so our classrooms are looking beautiful!
Next on our tour we visited indoor learning. Here we have lots of lovely things to do.
We have a great role play house, lots of toys, and a painting area. Each week the teachers set out new challenges to help us practise our fine motor and gross motor skills getting our bodies ready for learning in the classroom.
Next we went to outdoor learning. We are so lucky to have had so many new things this year. We have loved the sand pit and new water wall, as well as the tractors and diggers. Outside we have a great obstacle course to help us warm up our bodies and get our muscles working.
Well done to everyone for a super start to the year, you should all be really proud of how well you have settled into school, and have explored our learning areas. Keep up the super work and don’t forget to have a look at our videos on Tapestry!