Year 3 Mountains Launch

Year 3 had a great start to their Spring 1 topic all to do with mountains. To launch their new topic, they used a range of sources to ask questions, record information, explore new vocabulary and begin researching. They enjoyed picking out books from the school library and exploring mountains on Google Earth – particularly when they discovered they could drop themselves onto the top of Mount Everest!

They also enjoyed exploring some books with moving parts, such as pop ups, sliders and lift the flap, and began thinking about how they might create their own book in DT to showcase their geography learning this half term.

In the afternoon, the children explored The 7 Peaks, the highest mountains in each continent. Using maps, atlases and digital technology, they located these mountains and plotted them using lolly sticks and post-it notes on a giant map.

We look forward to showcasing our learning and our moving books at the end of our topic.