Year 1 – Materials

This half-term theĀ  children in Year 1 have been exploring materials looking at the big question ‘What is it made from and why?’. Over the weeks they have looked at the different properties of materials and have learnt words such as flexible, rigid, opaque and even transparent. They have enjoyed completing experiments to test the properties of different materials – a favourite being is the material waterproof?

This week the children have experimented to find out which material will move a paper fish the furthest across the carpet. 5 children stood ready at the starting line with paper fish and a material and got ready to find out which material would win, would it be wood, cardboard, newspaper, card or fabric?

Ready, set, go! The children waved their materials behind the paper fish to see which would cross the finish line first.

Once the experiment was over the children recorded the results in their books. The winner was the cardboard! None of the children or adults expected that result. Once recorded, the children wrote a sentence explaining what they had seen.

Well done Year 1! You are true scientists.