In Reception we have been comparing the mass of classroom objects and the capacity of different containers. We have used our hands like a balance scale to feel which object is heavier and which is lighter. We then checked our ideas using a balance scale and explained how we knew which object is heavier and which is lighter. We realised the biggest object is not always the heaviest. We then put an object into one side of the balance scale, estimated how many pencils would balance the scale and then found out. This challenge continued in Indoor Learning.
We have also been learning about capacity and volume. We described a tall, thin container and a short, wide container. The children estimated which had the largest capacity and explained their ideas. They used the words “bigger”, “longer”, “taller”, “shorter”, “short” and “wide”. Most children thought the tall measuring cylinder would hold more water than the short, wide cylinder. One child who disagreed said, “that’s taller but this one is wider”. We tested our ideas using direct comparison, filling one container with water and then pouring it into the other to see which one held more water and had the biggest capacity. Many were surprised that the short, wide container held much more water than the tall, thin cylinder.
We then estimated the capacity of three different containers using what we had learnt, putting them in order from the smallest to the largest capacity. We then measured the capacity of each one using a measuring scoop and water and the children helped record our findings in a table. Again, we were surprised by how much more water the short, wide container held.
In Outdoor learning, the children have been using sand to make and describe different volumes. They have been using the words “empty”, “nearly empty”, “half full”, “nearly full” and “full”. Lots of the children have been practising these comparing skills at home too. Well done Reception for your excellent learning.