Indoor and Outdoor Learning

This half term, reception have been continuing to explore our outdoor and indoor spaces.

They have been using different types of movement to overcome our obstacle courses and using their balance skills to discover new ways of moving. As well as this, they have been using their teamwork skills to create different buildings to support their role play, such as this beautiful restaurant!

They have become mathematicians, using the sandpit to explore numbers and which number is bigger and smaller by making sandcastles. In the quieter areas, children have been honing in on their phonic skills recalling the sounds they have learnt during that week and teaching others. As well as this, they have turned into budding writers, writing out CVC words in all types of pencils and pens.

In our water play, children have started their own laundrette by washing up in soapy water and organised their toys after saving them from a foaming flood!

Inside our reception base, children have also been developing their writing skills by independently writing CVC words. They have also enjoyed extending their role playing inside our house getting ready for winter with bonfires and a new fireplace!

On our maths tables they have enjoyed learning all about the numbers four and five and how these are composed.

The whole reception team is impressed with the children’s determination and continuing enthusiasm when exploring new ideas and objects in both our indoor and outdoor spaces – well done!