Our Dragon Eggs Have Hatched!

At the beginning of the term Mr. Rooke delivered a dragon’s egg to each Year 2 class. It had instructions on ‘How to Look After Your Pet Dragon’. As you can imagine, the children waited patiently and were very excited when eventually they discovered that their dragon eggs had finally hatched.

Unfortunately, there were no baby dragons to be seen! However, a video reportedly taken by Mr. Rooke (yet to be confirmed) shows, a dragon flying around the school playground. The children believe this to be the mother dragon looking for her babies.

Unfortunately, the baby dragons were able to fly off before being seen. As the children didn’t get a good description of what they looked like they decided to write their own descriptions of a dragon. They planned together and worked in rotation sharing their thoughts and ideas.

They were really pleased with their descriptions and thought the baby dragons would be too!

Well done Year 2 for looking after the eggs so carefully!