Outdoor Learning

This half term, Reception have been learning how to use our outdoor spaces. They have been using different types of movement to overcome our obstacle courses.

As well as this, they have been using their teamwork skills to create towers and dens to house animals and themselves!

They have become archaeologists, going on dinosaur digs and used their determination to dig with the school tractors.

In the quieter areas, children have been honing in on their phonic skills recalling the sounds they have learnt during that week. As well as this, they have turned into budding writers, creating marks using a variety of materials – including play dough!

In the slightly noisier areas, children have been using our musical instruments to recreate the rhymes and songs we have been singing each week.

Week by week, children have been exposed to new areas including the water play and our sand pit. They have learnt how to move water and sand carefully.

Well done reception for a brilliant start to your outdoor learning experience!