This half term in Year 5, our science focus is on forces. To start our learning, we were given a picture of a person running with a piece of cardboard and we had to consider what they would feel and why. We then had a go to test our own ideas and predictions. Based on this initial picture, we then thought about what we could change and what we thought might happen. We came up with a range of different questions based on how it would impact air resistance.
What would happen if we changed the material?
What would happen if we changed the size?
What would happen if we changed the shape?
What would happen if we changed the direction?
Using our own key questions, we made predictions and planned an experiment to see if we could answer it. We thought carefully about what control variables we would need in place to make it a fair test before carrying out our experiments.
Next week we will be evaluating our experiment and use our results to come to a conclusion about the impact our change had on the force resistance.