Kenton Cool Visit

This week, Year 3 were very lucky to have world-leading mountaineer and adventurer Kenton Cool visit them to launch their Spring 1 topic of Mountains and Earthquakes. Kenton is a world record holder, having been the first non-Sherpa to reach the summit of Mount Everest an incredible 16 times!

Kenton took time out from his busy schedule to talk about some of the famous mountains around the world, how mountains are formed and show the children videos of what mountaineers do. He shared some amazing facts about Everest and even brought along some of his mountaineering equipment for the children to explore.

If you’d like to find out more about Kenton and his amazing achievements, take a look at his website using the link below.

Kenton Cool – World-leading Mountaineer, Adventurer and Speaker

Year 3 will be working hard this half term to use their topic learning and learning from Kenton to create pop-up books. A selection of these will be displayed in Westbourne Book Shop at the end of the half term.