In Year 5, we decided to share some festive cheer by creating our own winter cards and messages to residents in care homes across Bournemouth.
Using the Winton tree logo as inspiration, we thought about how we could show the four different seasons in one piece of artwork. We picked out different colour palettes that we could use for each season and how we could blend them to show gradients. Afterwards, we used paint techniques to add leaves and extra details to our cards. Once finished, we wrote letters to residents of the care homes to let them know what we have been up to in school and what we were planning on doing over the up coming holiday.
A small group of Year 5 children had the opportunity to hand deliver cards to residents of a local care home. We shared our cards, read out our messages and even took the opportunity to have a sing a long with them!
Our cards will be delivered to local care homes around Bournemouth.