Mixed media landscapes

Year 1 have loved learning new art and design technology skills and using them to make tie-dye butterflies, clay leaves for the Hungry Caterpillar and a huge, shiny sun by weaving colourful fabric through chicken wire. The children worked with great determination when collaging butterflies, carefully overlapping paper and trying to not to leave lots of gaps, just like Eric Carle. At the end of the week, the children chose different techniques to recreate the landscape at the start of, The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, with the little egg lying on a leaf in the moonlight. Each landscape has parts that are painted, parts that are collaged and parts that are coloured using oil and chalk pastels. We think they look amazing! We hope you do too. 









We were also inspired by ‘Tilda Tries Again’ by Tom Percival. Tilda is a little girl who is finding some things so difficult that she gives up trying. One day she spots a ladybird on its back struggling to turn itself the right way round. Tilda watches the ladybird try, try and try again to turn itself up the right way and, when it finally does, Tilda is inspired to try again too. We have been very impressed that all the children persevered with their art and DT creations, just like Tilda did. Well done everyone!