We have been working really hard on our fine motor in the last few weeks in Reception.
Fine motor is small movements with our hands that get us ready to write. In indoor and outdoor learning we have been putting out lots of activities for the children to develop these skills.
We have been amazed at how well they have done and even some children making up their own tasks too.
We have seen some brilliant patterns using the tiny animals, and some brilliant designs on the peg boards.
We have loved getting involved with puzzles too, we talked about using the pictures to help us and found all of the edges first.
The children were brilliant at sorting all of the parts out and worked out which bits they needed for each, well done girls!
We did some great threading using the string, we made some Kenyan necklaces, as well as washing the babies clothes in the water.
We then had to pinch the pegs to hang them up to dry in the sunshine.
We even made some brilliant African snails.
We had to cut out the leaf using a pinch grip, and then had to fold up the long strip to make a brilliant curly snail shell. Super job everyone!