Reception Trip the the Farm!

On Wednesday the whole of Reception had a super visit to Longdown Activity Farm. We have been learning about farms, the animals and what farmers do to look after them for our topic this half term, and what better way to land our topic, than a trip to a real farm!

In class this week, we have been busy making fact cards for the farm to display. Each class took a different animal and wrote out some facts for people visiting the farm to read. We have also created some great art for each animal which we added to the top of their fact card. 

We set off on our journey and arrived at the farm for 10am. When we got there each class were split off and had their own farmer to lead them around. We had Farmer Lisa who told us all about the animals and what they do at the farm to look after them. In the Apple class we started with the small animals. We had to wash our hands then could hold a baby chick and a baby guinea pig in the basket so we could stroke them. we all loved doing this and learnt that it takes 21 days for a baby chick to hatch. 


After this we headed to the cows barn to feed the baby cows. We have been learning about the animals and their babies in class so we knew lots of facts about calves. We had to hold the bottle very tightly as they were really hungry! We held them up really high so they could get all the milk out from the bottle, and it was great fun! 


From this we had to go and help farmer Lisa feed the baby goats. They also had a special diet of milk, and we had to feed them using bottles too! They were much smaller but were really hungry too.

Then we had to feed the Mummy and Daddy goats too. They eat food that looks like cereal. We filled a plate with this smelly food and had to hold the plate through the bars so the goats could read them with their long tongue. 


Our final job of the day before we came home was to help Farmer Brian collect all of the eggs to sell in his farm shop. We had to read our hands in to the hen house and collect the eggs from their nests. 

When we carried them back to the shop we had to be very careful not to drop them so used two hands. Farmer Lisa was really impressed with us and we all got a sticker for being super farmers for the day. All the teachers are so proud of all of the children for their hard work and behaviour on our first every trip! Well done Reception, I wonder where we will be visiting next!