Spring Walk!

This half term we have been learning about seasons in Reception! We are looking at this topic across the whole year, so this week we have been learning about Spring!

We went out into our local area, and our school environment to see what signs of Spring we could see. 

In class we have talked about the weather changing to longer, sunnier days. We also talked about how we have lots of rain this time of year too, to help the plants grow. We learnt about the life cycle of some plants, from seed to flower, and talked about how we might see some buds growing on the plants around school. 

Mr Keeley works at our school, teaching children to look after the plants. He came out of his green house to tell us about which plants he has planted this year and what time of year they will shoot. He talked about the plants starting to open now the weather is getting warmer, and how some plants need a warmer temperature which is why he keeps them in his green house till the summer.  We finished this week with a spring walk, and made a list of what we could see.