Learning outside!

Year 2 have had great fun last half term during their outside learning sessions.  The children have been planting bulbs and because of this the school flower beds are now full of over 1000 daffodil, crocus, grape hyacinth and tulip bulbs.

The children can’t wait to see the results of their hard work in the Springtime. 

The children have also been finding out more about minibeasts and the microhabitats that they live in.

Mr. Keeley took the children on a minibeast adventure around the Winton Primary School Jungle. They managed to see the school robin, a squirrel, coal tits and a great tit. They also got the opportunity to explore the compost bins, the magic wheelbarrow and under plant pots where they found snails, worms, woodlice, centipedes, millipedes, spiders and ants. 

The children found out about the different habitats mini beasts live in and why it is important to give minibeasts places to nest or hibernate. They used their DT skills to saw wood using a junior hacksaw and this helped them to make bug hotels.

These will be placed around the school to give our minibeasts somewhwere  to stay warm and safe over the winter.

Well done Year 2!