Egypt Day

On the 18th of May, Year 4 looked very different to their usual selves as they came to school dressed as Ancient Egyptians. Throughout the day, they learned about the ancient civilisation and experienced life as Egyptians. 

First, they learned how Egyptians used numbers and how they bartered for food and services rather than using money.

Next, they made up their own Egyptian names based on their meaning and learned to use Egyptian hieroglyphs to write their names, creating cartouches for display.

Finally, in the afternoon, with much anticipation it was time to experinece ‘mummification’. After much consideration of risk assessments, the teachers were sorry to announce we could not sacrifice any children for the process so the decision was made to use oranges instead. The children loved following the process of creating a cut on the left of the body, removing all the organs and inner ‘gunk’ before filling the ‘body’ with salt mixed with bicarbonate of soda,cinammon and cloves and then finally wrapping the orange in cloths. We have now stored the oranges away for 40 days to give the dehydration process time to take place and will reveal the mummified oranges in late June (hopefully!) 

It was a great day and thoroughly enjoyed by teachers and students alike and a big thankyou goes out to the parents that provided the costumes to give the day that extra special feeling! See below for some great pictures of the day.