Y5 Continuous Learning

Here are some activities for you to complete if you are self-isolating

1. Reading

2. Times Tables

3. Spellings

4. Maths

5. English

1. Reading

It is important that you spend at least 30 minutes reading every day and make sure you record this in your Home School Diary.  No matter what book you are reading, here are some activities and comprehension questions for you to do:
– What do you predict might happen next?
– Can you summarise what you have read in 4 sentences?
– How do you think the main character is feeling? Justify your answer by explaining your reasoning.
– Find an interesting or engageing word that the author has used.  What does it mean? Why do you think the author chose to use that word?
– Describe the current setting in your story.  You could draw a picture of it and add adjectives to describe what it looks like or you could create an interesting setting description.
– Find 3 unfamiliar words.  Look them up in a dictionary to find their meaning and create your own sentence using them.
– Create an interview with your main character.  What questions would you like to ask him?  What do you think he would say?
– Draw a picture of one of the characters in your story.  Add noun phrases around the picture to describe them.

2. Times Tables Rockstars

Spend at least 20 minutes each day practicing your times tables.  Your login for the website is in your Home School Diary.  Spend 10 minutes of your time on “Sound Check” to test all of your tables and another 10 minutes on “Garage Band” where you can test the times tables set by your teacher.

3. Spellings

Practice the following spelling activities:
– Spelling shed – spend 15 minutes per day practicing
– Using the Year 5 and 6 Spellings in your Home School Book, choose 5 tricky spellings and write 5 sentences which include them
– Use the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ document to practice 10 of the Year 3 and 4 spelling words
– Use the ‘Spelling Wordsearch’ template to hide 10 of your spellings in the wordsearch, leave this for a couple of days and then see if you can find them again.
– Use a dictionary to look up any of the Year 5 and 6 spellings that you are not sure the meaning of. Can you think of a synonym for each word?

4. Maths – revision of key skills

Place Value
Watch the video on this link which revises place value and decimals.  There is an interactive quiz to complete below each to check your understanding.

Watch this video to remind you how to use column method addition and then complete the activities below the video.
Now solve these questions.

Watch this video to remind you how to use column method subtraction and then complete the activities below the video.
Now solve these questions.

Division and Multiplication
Watch the video below to remind you have to multiply and divide by 0, 1, 10 and 100. Have a go at the activities below the video.
Now solve these multiplication questions.
Now solve these division questions.

5. English

Grammar revision of these key terms:
Play the video at the top of the page to remind you about each grammar subject, have a go at the activity below the video and play the quiz to test your knowledge!
1. What is an adverb?

2. What are subordinating conjunctions?

3. What are coordinating conjunctions?

4. What is a noun phrase?

5. What is a fronted adverbial?

Creative Writing
Watch this video of a traditional Japanese folk story called “The Stone Cutter”.
What do you think the moral of the story is? What lessons did the Stone Cutter learn?  Re-tell the story from the Stone Cutter’s perspective or write an original story with a more modern twist.