Here are some continuous learning activities for you to complete if you are self-isolating at home:
1. Reading
It is important that you read for 20 minutes each day.
If you run out of books to read at home then you can access texts from the Oxford Owl website.
You can set up a free parent account on the following site. It includes books to read or to listen to. Choose books from this site and read at least three times a week
After you have read for 20 minutes, have a go at answering 3 of these comprehension questions or activities:
- What do you predict might happen next?
- Can you summarise what you have read in 4 sentences?
- How do you think your main character is feeling? Why is that?
- Find an engaging word that the author has used. Why is it engaging?
- Describe the current setting in your story. You could draw it and add adjectives to describe what it looks like or you could create an interesting setting description.
- Identify 3 unknown words. Look them up in the dictionary and create your own sentences using these new words.
- Interview your main character. Create questions for your main character and using inverted commas, make up what they would say as their answers.
- Draw a picture of one of the characters in your story. Add noun phrases around your picture to describe their key features.
2. Spellings
Choose one of these spelling activities:
- Spelling Shed – 15 minutes
- Using the Year 3 and 4 Spellings in your Home School Book, choose 5 tricky spellings and write 5 sentences which include them
- Use the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ document to practice 10 of the Year 3 and 4 spelling words
- Use the ‘Spelling Wordsearch’ template to hide 10 of your spellings in the wordsearch, leave this for a couple of days and then see if you can find them again.
- Use a dictionary to look up any of the Year 3 and 4 spellings that you are not sure the meaning of. Can you think of a synonym for each word?
Grammar Revision
Click on the links below and follow the grammar lesson. Read the clip description and watch the video. Once you have watched the video have a go at the next three challenges on the tabs at the bottom: 2. The Grammar Bit, 3. Whiteboard Challenges, 4. Writing Ideas
1. Expanded Noun Phrases – Manatee
2. Exciting Sentence Openers – Tusk Fish
3. Exciting Sentence Openers – Proboscis Monkey
4. Maths
Times Tables Rockstars
- 20 minutes every day
- 10 minutes on Sound Check (tests all of your times tables)
- 10 minutes on Garage Band or other areas (tests timestables that are set by your class teacher and TT Rockstars)
Maths revision of key skills
Watch this video to remind you how to round numbers and then complete the activities below the video.
Once you feel confident, have a go at these rounding questions at the bottom of this page.
Watch this video to remind you how to add and subtract fractions and then complete the activities below the video.
Once you feel confident, have a go at the fractions questions at the bottom of this page.
Multiply a two digit by a 1 digit
Watch this video clip to remind you how to multiply numbers and have a go at the 3 activities below the video clip.