Year 3 Roman Mosaics

Year 3 have been inspired by their Roman topic and recent trip to Dorchester Museum and a Roman Townhouse. This week the children designed their own Roman Mosaics. After learning that wealthy Romans would have colourful, dazzling mosaics covering the walls and floors  of their villas and townhouses they were keen to design their own. The children began to design their tesserae (tiles) using patterns popular to roman artists. They made sure just like Roman mosaics, that their designs were both symmetrical and eye-catching.

After the children had completed their designs it was time for them to use the vibrant tesserae to bring their creations to life. They needed an extra steady hand and a keen eye for detail to ensure the tesserae did not touch.

I’m sure you’ll agree the children did an excellent job at replicating authentic Roman Mosaics!