Books at Bedtime

To celebrate World Book Day we held two Books at Bedtime events.  Children returned to school in the evening to hear staff reading a selection of their favourite stories.  Children were able to move around the classrooms listening to different stories before returning to the hall for a final story read by Mr Tarchetti.  The final story was accompanied by a hot chocolate prepared by PFA volunteers.  Children and staff were dressed in pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers and had a cuddly toy with them!

Over the two evenings more than 500 children attended.  As we celebrated World Book Day we wanted to recognise the importance of positive reading role models for children and the necessity of children becoming avid readers for enjoyment and pleasure as well as to aid their education.

Hopefully the event will remain   in the children’s memories for a long time to come!  Grateful thanks to the staff and parent volunteers that made the event possible.