Reading Buddies

This is the second year that the reading buddy scheme has been running. The reading buddies are pupils in year 6 who have dedicated some of their time to reading with a child from Year 1. The reading buddies are enjoying their new roles.

Some year 6 pupils have been investigating their role.

The reading buddies find interesting spots for their reading buddies and give them goals to work towards. They make sure to give the buddies lots of opportunities to learn new words and try to make them feel comfortable when reading so they enjoy it more. Some reading buddies give out stickers for effort! – Amelia, Y6

The reading buddies are hoping that the children get to know them more over the year and enjoy their reading even more! One of our reading buddies was interviewed by a Year 6 pupil to get the low down!

Reading Buddy Interview

Keep up the good work reading buddies!