Here are some continuous learning activities for you to complete if you are self-isolating at home
1. Reading
It is important that you read every day for 20 minutes. If you run out of books to read at home then you can access texts from one of the sites below.
You can set up a free parent account on the following site. It includes books to read or to listen to. Choose books from this site and read at least three times a week
Magic Key – Picture books to read and share together
Story Line – Stories to listen to and watch
Below are three of the reading skills we will be learning this year to help us find answers to questions about a text. Have a go at answering them after each text you read.
1. Scanning – Can you scan the text and find these words? – or, and, they, if, said.
2. Retrieval – Where is the story set?
3. Inference – How does the main character feel throughout the story?
2. Phonics and Spelling
We are recapping our phase 5 sounds and tricky words this term. Play one of the free games below.
Printable resources
On page 28 of your Home School Diary you will find the Year 2 common exception words. You need to be able to read and spell these by the end of Year 2. To help you learn them, play the games below. Choose 6 new words each week or more if you’d like to.
1. Look, cover, write, check. Use the document at the bottom of the page.
2. Write out the words twice on card and play matching pairs. Read each word as you turn them over.
3. Make a fortune teller with your 6 chosen words. Here is a link to how to make a fortune teller, add your spelling words to each section.
3. English
1. Capital letters and full stops recap. Supermovers – Printable document below
2. Compound words – Printable document below
3. Grammar – Printable document below
4. Maths
Play Numbots for 10 minutes every day. Your login is in your Home School Diary. You could also play on TT Rockstars and practice your timestable skills in Garage Band.
1. Money – Coin recognition Printable document below.
Can you sort the coins? Can you order them from smallest value to largest value?
2. Finding half of a shape. Half is when something is split into two equal groups. Can you sort the shapes into ones which have been split in half and ones that haven’t been? Printable document below
3. Adding and subtracting recap Printable document below
4. Tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour Printable document below