Please find below the learning for the week commencing 6th December 2021.
If you are isolating at home this week, here are some activities you can have a go at. These will cover the same objectives as those children who are still in school.
Lesson 1: This week, we will be starting a new topic in English and we will be writing the beginning of a suspense story. We will also be learning the features of a persuasive advert.
Today, you will be writing the beginning of a suspense story using the haunted house picture on your sheet as inspiration. Think about the features of suspense writing that we have learnt about when writing our ‘Disaster Crash’ story. When writing your story, you should focus on using skills such as: fronted adverbials, paragraphs and powerful adjectives. Refer to the success criteria to help you.
Remember, you are only writing the beginning of the story which should include describing the setting and showing how your character is feeling.
Lesson 2: Today, we are looking at the features of a persuasive advert. These include:
Rhetorical questions
Positive adjectives
Imperative verbs
Can you find these features on the ‘Amazing Magic Show’ advert? Highlight the features using different colours.
Lesson 3: Reflect on the different features of a persuasive advert that you identified yesterday. Can you write down different examples of each one? For example:
Imperative verbs: Mix the sugar with the butter and then place the mixture on the shelf.
Rhetorical questions: Try our beautiful, brilliant biscuits today!
Lesson 4: We are looking at a reading comprehension today. Read the ‘Harry Drinkwater’ text and then answer the questions from the sheet. Remember to answer your questions properly. If it is a simple retrieval question, then a simple answer will be enough. You may need longer answers for some of the questions, using evidence from the text.
Lesson 5: Look at the extract from, ‘Race to the Frozen North’. Read the text carefully and then answer the comprehension questions attached. Remember to answer your questions properly. If it is a simple retrieval question, then a simple answer will be enough. You may need longer answers for some of the questions, using evidence from the text.
Each week, we will be looking at a different spelling pattern to support you in becoming more proficient spellings. This week we are adding the prefix ir- to root words beginning with r.
Lesson 1: Before root words beginning with r, we do not use in- to provide an opposite meaning (for example, when changing active to inactive). Instead, we use the prefix ir-.
This still has the same impact of changing the word to give its opposite meaning. For example, irregular, irresistible, irresponsible.
Complete the sentence below:
The party food was so delicious it was ____________
Can you use the other words in the list in a sentence as well?
Lesson 2: Look at the list of words below. How many syllables can you identify in each word? Which word has the most syllables and which has the least? Think about how this will help you to learn each word. Remember, each syllable must have a vowel sound in it.
Lesson 3: I would like you to write the words in a colourful rainbow. You need to write one of the words in a shape of a rainbow. Then use a different colour and repeat the same just below the previous word. Continue to repeat the same process to make a colourful rainbow.
Alternatively, create some word spelling pyramids to practise your words. This website should help you with this:
Lesson 4: Create your own word search using the key words you have been learning this week. Watch the video of Miss Perrett who will show you how to do this. There is a blank word search box attached for you to use.
Lesson 5: See if you can write down the words from memory. How many can you now spell? For those you can not spell yet, look at them carefully and see if there is any common pattern or theme to your mistakes.
Try learning them in different ways. Here are some creative ways you can try and learn these words:
– Write them in sprinkled flour.
– Use chalk or finger paints to spell the words.
– Make the letters out of playdough or pasta.
– Write the word in large letters. Cut each letter out and mix them up. Now rearrange the letters to spell the word.
This week, we are recapping areas of the curriculum that we have covered in the past.
Lesson 1: Today, we are developing our knowledge of perimeter. Watch this video: Aut4.9.4 – Perimeter of rectilinear shapes on Vimeo and then complete the worksheet titled ‘Perimeter’.
Lesson 2: Today, we are having a recap on using the column method for adding and subtracting. Watch the videos and have a go at the activity.
Lesson 3: Today, we are practising our rounding skills.
Watch this video: Aut4.3.5 – Round to the nearest 1000 on Vimeo and play this quick quiz: Rocket Rounding (
Lesson 4: Today, we are going to be looking at one and two step word problems.
Watch the video then have a go at the activity.
Lesson 5: Today, we are going to be revising Roman Numerals.
Watch the video Aut4.4.4 – Roman Numerals on Vimeo and then complete the sheet titled ‘Roman Numerals’.
This week, we are looking at human and animal teeth. Read through the PowerPoint to learn about the different type of teeth humans have. Watch this video to help your understanding and then answer the questions on the sheet.
This week, we are looking at compass points. Watch the video and have a go at the activity.