This term KS2 Art Club have focussed on a self-portrait project. We began by drawing a self portrait thinking about how we wanted to portray ourselves. Some children chose to be swimming, dancing or chilling out at home. Once they had decided how they wanted to portray themselves they set about making a 3D portrait. To start the process they made a cardboard container and poured plaster of paris into it. We quickly learnt that the plaster set quickly, so you had to work at speed! We put a wire into the plaster which gave us the base for our portrait. We them used wire to create the outline shape for our portraits. The wire was then covered in a plain fabric before being dressed in clothes and developed to make a finished portrait. Some of the designs were very similar to our initial design whilst others developed considerably during the making process.
At the end of the project the models looked very good and we all learnt how to make a model that stands unaided. Using the plaster and wire technique will help us to make free standing models in the future!