Oi Frog!

This half-term, the children in Reception have been introduced to a new Talk 4 Writing text called ‘Oi Frog’. They have loved learning the new story, identifying unfamiliar vocabulary and creating actions.

The children have boxed up the story identifying the characters and sharing their ideas in relation to their likes, dislikes and puzzles. It has been lovely to see the children really engage with the story, particularly enjoying the rhyming words. We have been looking a lots of different rhyming words and had the challenge of matching the animals back up to the things that they sit e.g. ‘Frog sits on a log.’.

In relation to the story, in our writing job, we have had some fantastic sentences and super letter formation. The children wrote ‘Frog sit on a log’ and ‘The frog sits on the log.’.

Well done, Reception!