A great year!

Our Year 5 and 6 Fundraising Committee have had a busy year!  Since September they have been working with Miss Youngson and Mrs Packer to co-ordinate our fundraising for the year.  This week they led an assembly to review the year and update the children on our progress to our fundraising target.  At the beginning of the year the committee canvassed the views of all pupils before deciding on the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance as our charity for 2022-23.  Neil Bizzel, paramedic, came and explained to the whole school the work the charity does and the difference fundraising could make.  The committee then set about arranging a variety of fundraising events including Change for Change, Mufti Days, a helicopter made from coins, a bake sale and a fun run.  Some children in school were inspired to organise their own events outside of school and brought the money raised in to add to the school total.  A target of £5000 was set and a thermometer showing progress was displayed in the entrance hall.  We are pleased to report that we managed to exceed our target and raised £11851 for the charity.

Neil and his colleague Emma returned to assembly this week and the committee were able to present them with a cheque.  Neil and Emma praised the children’s efforts as well as explaining that this amount would fund four flights of the helicopter when it takes off on lifesaving missions.

Everyone in school showed real determination and community spirit and this year of fundraising has been a huge success.  Well done to Mrs Packer, Miss Youngson and the Year 5 and 6 children on the committee!