Amazing Maths!

In Year One this half term, we have been doing some mega maths! Not only is it the first time we have all done our work at the same time rather than in a learning rotation like in reception, but it is also the first time we have been doing our work straight into our maths books too. The teachers have been so impressed at how hard we have all been working and can’t wait to do some more after the holidays!

We have covered lots of work comparing numbers. We started by doing lots of practical counting, looking at odd and even numbers, and how they would look on a tens frame. We discussed how we notice our number bonds using the double-sided counters and practised writing them as addition sentences.

After this we have been comparing quantities, looking at the language of more, most, fewer and less. We then introduced the symbols for greater than and less than and talked about drawing an = sign if the number is the same on both sides. We had a great time making towers and looking comparing the amounts we had made. To make things even trickier we have given the children some “am I right?” statements, where we have to prove our workings out, keep up the super work next term Year One!