Moonflower Writing

As part of our new English writing unit, Year3 have been studying non-chronological reports. We have been using a model text all about the Moonflower- a mysterious plant that only blooms once every 2 years on the 6th new moon of the year. One was seen in Winton over the half term – did you see it?

The children have been examining a model text about Moonflowers and thinking about the features that we see in non-chronological reports.

Obviously, being very rare, the children knew very little about Moonflowers. With the help of our local expert botanist, Mr Keeley, the children compiled a list of thoughtful questions which would further their understanding on the topic. The children then put their questions to Mr Keeley who was able to share his expert knowledge of this rare and extremely mysterious flower.

The children will be taking their knowledge to write their own non chronological report next week and then use their invention and innovation skills to write their own non chronological reports.