A busy week in Pear!

Pear class have had another fantastic week in school, so I thought I’d share some of their learning with you.

Within indoor learning this week the children have enjoyed constructing a CVC word using the magnetic letters. They have segmented the word and found the sounds on a sound mat before making it with magnetic letters. The children have been learning about odd and even numbers in maths and have sorted the Numicon into odd and even numbers.  I think they look very proud of themselves!


Pear class love outdoor learning and have built some fantastic obstacle courses with their peers. They have practised throwing the balls into buckets and some super spellers have completed the word hunt by finding hidden pictures around outdoor learning and writing the corresponding word.



We have been learning ‘Bright Stanley’ as a talking text this term and have loved re-telling the story within Big Book lessons. We have a story tray and I have loved hearing the children re-tell the story using the props. I have also been impressed with their fantastic writing about Bright Stanley.

Pear class have been showing off their artistic side this week by painting the Great Barrier Reef with water paints and also drawing fish native to Australia after learning about them in Topic lessons.

Let’s Learn time is definitely Pear class’s favourite time of the day. This week the children have made some lovely patterns with the pattern blocks, practised their writing and made some very large carparks!

Well done Pear class!