Home Learning

This week lots of children at home have been watching Outdoors/Indoors and planting their tomato seeds.  We have been sent a few pictures of children planting their seeds and carrying oiut other garden tasks!

Earlier in the week we posted about two children who had been raising money from home for the school’s nominated charity.  If you missed the post then you can read it here.

However we also heard of another child who has been raising money for our charity during lockdown this week.  He has been running a mile a day, every day and has managed to raise £300 so far.  If you would like to read his story then you can see it here.  Great work well done!

We heard from lots of you this week, telling us how you got on with the PE challenges.  Here are some videos and scores that you sent us.

Day 25 (hand tennis) 

Verna 6EG – 35 

Slumma  6EG – 28 


Day 26 (burpees with throwing and catching) 

Harry 5MS – 5 

Nikita 5MS – 5 

Sienna 5MS – 4 

Jem 5MS – 4 

Josh 6EH – 4 


Day 27 (core strength challenge) 

Ria 5MS – 19 seconds 

Rubi 5EL – 22 seconds 

Josh 6EH – 23 seconds 

Nikita 5MS – 24 seconds 

Keira 5HP – 25 seconds 

Jem 5MS – 29 seconds 



Day 28 (one handed throwing and catching) 

Leo 6SH – 51 

Verna 6EH – 51 

Marta 6SH – 48 

Sultanah 6EH – 46 

Afia 6SH – 45 

Jem 5MS – 20 

