Headteacher Awards


This super star has worked so hard at home and made a fantastic Bog Baby of her own! It looks greats!


Someone else who has been working really hard at home is this little girl who always has a big smile on her face when sharing her work. She has been trying hard with her writing and has also did a great job of retelling the class stories. Her model of Bog Baby was amazing. Well done!



A super effort from this little girl! She has earned a headteacher award for being enthusiastic about all her learning at home and sharing her work in her class online calls. Well done for working so hard!



Beau has been joining in with her class video calls each day and has been impressing her teacher with how hard she is working at home. Her pencil control has really improved and she has been using resources at home to solve maths number problems. Well done!



Huxley has worked so hard on all his learning at home. He loves challenging himself and always tries his best with all his work. This week, Huxley used lots of maths vocabulary to compare 2 numbers. Great job!


Annabelle enjoyed the Year 1 topic, Kindness counts, and made this huge board of facts all about Hinduism. She confidently shared it with her class on their online call and even demonstrated some yoga moves too. Well done!



This great learner always shows a fantastic attitude towards all her learning. She is always determined to complete her work to the highest possible standard. This week she has worked hard to learn the new class talking text and used the text map to help her remember all the key parts. Great job!



Sophie has tried very hard in maths and was able to read numbers in numerals and words. She then used the more than, less than and equals to signs to compare quantities. Brilliant work!



A great attitude shown from this hard worker, who tried incredibly hard to produce some lovely writing during English lessons. She always asks lots of interesting questions about her learning and produces some super pieces of work. Fantastic!      


This super star has impressed her teacher with all her hard work. She has produced some fantastic writing in English, trying hard to make it as interesting as possible. She has also been busy doing lots of baking and drawing. Here you can see a life size drawing she did of herself and then labelled the different parts of her body. 



Sultan did a great job retelling and sequencing the story of Siddhartha and the swan. She used subordination such as ‘when’, ‘and’ and ‘so’ to extend her sentences and give more detail. She illustrated the story with carefully drawn and coloured pictures. Fantastic work!



Ethan continues to put 100% effort into all of his work and has impressed his teacher with his reasoning skills in maths. He is trying hard to give clear explanations on how he reaches his answers in rock challenges, either through writing a sentence or showing his calculations. Well done!


Hayley has been working extremely hard on her online learning and has created an excellent Roman booklet using all of her own research. Well done! 



Layan has been working really hard with her reading comprehension. She has been reading the questions carefully and purple polishing if she has made any mistakes. Layan has also been taking great care with her presentation and her quality of work is always impressive!


This brilliant mathematician has been working brilliantly on his measuring knoweldge in maths this week in school and he has also been working very hard on his presentation. 



Nathan has produced some super online learning and this week has completed some excellent research all about the Romans and how they changed Britain. 



Aiden has been a beacon of light in Mr Sykes’ calls and is always prepared, ready to take part and willing to share allof his brilliant ideas and knowledge with his class. Well done Aiden! 



This super star has been working extremely hard on their online learning and has created a brilliant fairy tale freeze frame. Did you guess which fairy tale it was?  It was a freeze frame of Little Red Riding Hood!



This creative learner has producing some excellent pieces of online learning which are always completed thoroughly and to a brilliant standard. He has taken on a life skill challenge that we’ve set this week and learnt how to tie his shoelaces, produced a fantastic freeze frame for our fairy tale topic and a detailed piece of work that identifies the features in a selection of fairy tales. Very well done! Can you guess the fairy tale he’s acted out? 



This great learner has consistently produced excellent pieces of learning at home and always to a very high standard – well done!


From Mrs Stone’s class this week we have an award for Ria who has been working extremely hard in science and produced some outstanding work! Take a look at her excellent work on trees!


For showing excellent skills of innovation and enquiry, a huge well done to Max who has worked hard in science to test his parachute!


For a beautiful drawing of a flower and labelling it correctly, a very well done to Rachel! Super work!


For always working hard and putting in a huge amount of effort in each lesson and always presenting their work nicely, well done to Imogen!



Well done to Marta in 6SH who has produced some excellent artwork linked to Year 6’s study of the Galapagos Islands!


Well done to Lois who has earned the award this week for always being eager to participate in lessons and showing good problem solving skills in maths.  Great work Lois!


For showing an admirable dedication and committment to her learning and always completing work to the best of her ability, well done to Tamsin!


Finally from Year 6, a very well done to Aaron for being such a kind and helpful member of the class who is always eager to help others (even Mr King!).