Before half term in Year One we have been learning all about instructions.
On Monday Miss Youngson found some instructions for making a card, but they weren’t very helpful.
We realised that we need certain things to make a good set of instructions.
We all decided that you need:
- A title.
- Bullet points or numbers.
- Time connectives to order.
- Bossy Verbs.
We then made her set of instructions better, by putting them in the right order, and being more descriptive, or they will not be easy for anyone to follow!
The children at school and at home made some instructions for how to make toast.
We thought long and hard about how to make it, so before we did any writing we tried it out ourselves, before eating it of course!
We had lots of fun, we all loved our toast!
These were the set of instructions we made!
Look at all the children who were busy making toast at home too!
Well done Year One, I wonder what instructions you can find around your house? Can you follow them?