Headteacher Awards 12.2.21


This little boy is always working hard to learn more and more. His phonics learning has been fantastic. He also works hard to learn talking stories; here he is tweaking the story map so it is his new innovated story. Keep it up!



The shortest dinosaur in this photo, has been working very hard at home and at school. He does all of the assignments and has been doing a great job at improving his handwriting, which is looking lovely. He always joins his class morning video calls and says hello with a big smile. This week he has had great fun with the maths measuring challenges. Well done!



This great learner has been working especially hard and being enthusiastic about her maths work this half term. She’s been using resources at home to help solve number problems.



A big smile from a very hard worker. Pear Class were due to welcome this little boy into their class in January, but unfortunately due to school closure they have only been able to meet virtually. He has impressed everyone with his great efforts at home. Keep it up!



A fantastic attitude towards all tasks from this little boy. He always goes above and beyond with his work and loves learning. As part of his learning on instructions, he made pancakes and took a photo of each step. It was super to see and his pancakes looked delicious!



This super mathematician has been working really hard learning his number bonds to ten and has now moved on to the next level on Numbots!



Ava has been putting 100% effort into all her tasks from home. She always contributes positive ideas in class video calls and uploads all her work every day! Look at the fantastic instructions she wrote independently using time connectives.



A great improvement in handwriting for this hard worker. He has been concentrating on forming all his letters neatly and writing his own sentence during phonics this week.


Another fantastic learner who is always trying hard with his maths and English and contributing lots of interesting ideas to class discussions at home and in school. What a star!



Max has been working so hard each week with his home learning. He has completed some fantastic work on sharing equal groups in maths. The last couple of weeks Max has been working really hard on his presentation of his work, in particular his handwriting which Miss Langley has seen a massive improvement in! Well done.



Elias has been working hard in maths and can recognise that the inverse of multiplication is division and the other way round. He used this to help him solve ___ ÷ 2 =5. He said the answer is 10 because 2×5=10. He knows his 2 times table because he scores is 60/60 in under 1 min30.



Lara has worked very hard in English this half term and used all she has learned about the features of a newspaper report to produce her own about a disatster which took place. Well done!


Look at Bernie’s brilliant research about Roman Gods. He has been working extremely hard at home and presents his work very neatly.    


Joshua has recently joined 3BR and he is settling in brilliantly. He is working really hard to research and find out all about the Romans and is already making great improvements with his handwriting. 



Ruby has completed some super maths work – adding 2 and 3-digit numbers as well as completing some brilliant extra times table work! 



Henry has been doing some brilliant research about the Romans. He thought hard about how he is presenting his work, adding an eye-catching heading and underlining subheadings for each topic. Well done!



This superstar has working extremely hard at home and has produced lots of fantastic work!



Millie has shown great effort and imaginative ideas for her upcycle project. Well done, what a fantastic drum kit! 



Connie in 4DB has been working extremely hard on all of her online learning assignments. Look at her fantastic baking as part of her Science assignmnet, she wrote a detailed explanation of the process involved and the changes that occur between the states of matter. Very well done, Connie! 



This brilliant chef has been baking some delicious cupcakes! Always striving for perfection, this superstar always wants to improve her work and achieve her best.


Well done to Lyla in 5EG who has been working incredibly hard work in the space topic and produced an outstanding diary entry based on visiting her own invented planet and an informative non-fiction piece organising her new knowledge. Keep up the good work Lyla!


For always putting in 100% effort into all their learning and creating a fabulous presentation explaining how and why we get seasons, welll done to Ruby-Leigh!


This week’s winner from 5HP is Jacob for doing some super work for Internet Safety Day.  Great effort Jacob!


For creating a superb knowledge organiser about space and always working extremely hard to make sure his work is completed to a high standard, well done to KJ!


In 6SH, the award this week is going to Ella who made a fantastic video as part of “Internet Safey Day”.  Brilliant work Ella!


This week’s award goes to Larissa who has shown a fantastic attitude this week, taking great pride to complete her work and always tries her hardest.  Keep up the great work Larissa!


For a fantastic and very creative piece of artwork, the award is going to Max in 6XC.  He took a long time to make it and it was definitely worth the effort!


Tommy in 6SK has won the award this week for particularly impressive work in English, especially when comparing famous speeches.  Well done Tommy!