Year 1’s Wonderful Work

Since the Year 1 children have moved to online learning they have been working very hard from home, the teachers have been so impressed! In Year 1 our new talking story is, ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffers. The children have created their own actions for the story and have been sending them in for the teachers to watch. It’s clear to see the children know the story very well. The children were tasked to draw a story map for our new talking story. Some children decided to draw lots of pictures to remind them of every step of the story. Whereas, some children decided to draw a few pictures highlighting the key parts of the story. You could tell all children took great care over their drawings! The children commented this was a really fun task and you can see some of the super story maps below. 

Though, the Year 1 children did not stop there! After drawing their story maps some children decided to write their favourite part of the story. I loved reading all the amazing adjectives the children added to their writing. Some children also independently innovated their stories to make them even more exciting. It is lovely to see the Year 1 children are loving to write so much! This week the children have been challenged to write the ending of the story, so watch this space!

Another favourite task this week was drawing and labelling the human body. The children found a photo of a torso with no arms, legs or head! Where had they gone? The children did an excellent job of drawing on the missing parts of the body and adding super labels. I did not know we had so many parts in our bodies! Well done on a fantastic week of learning from home Year 1, you have really impressed all the teachers this week.