I know that lots of you are really passionate about recycling and taking care of the environment. Today, Mr Overment shares one of his favourite stories with you and shows you how to make a football out of plastic bags and other items you might have at home. You can watch the video here:
We would love you to have a go at making one yourself. Send any pictures of your footballs in to [email protected] for us to see.
Here are some instructions to help you:
To make a football you will need:
• Plastic bags
• A newspaper
• String or garden twine
• Scissors
1) Scrunch up some newspaper to form the centre of your football (about the size of a large orange).
2) Place the paper ball in the first bag. Pull the bag around your paper ball and twist a couple of times.
3) Wrap the remaining part of the bag over the ball again, twisting to secure. For larger bags you may need to repeat this process a few times.
4) Tie the ends off neatly, trying not to create any lumps.
5) Repeat adding more and more bags until you’re happy with the size. Try to space out the tied-off ends so you keep a circular shape.
6) Use a thicker plastic bag for the last layer as this will make your ball durable.
7) Wrap your string or twine around the ball a couple of times and knot to secure. Then turn the ball 90 degrees and repeat. Continue to do this until you’ve worked your way around the ball. For added strength try weaving the string in and out.
8) Tie off the string in a final double knot and you’re ready for a game!