Wow! Teachers across the school have been singing the praises of children in their class, who have been impressing them with the work they have produced this week. It is clear that lots of you have been working hard and showing a lot of determination to complete your work – well done. We are very proud of you all! This week, we are delighted to announce the following children have earned a Headteacher Award. Your prize is on its way to you as you read!
Jacob. For a wonderful drawing of all the characters The Enormous Turnip. Miss Churchward said you have worked so hard so far and done all the work we have set. Well done!
Miss Griffin has chosen this super star in Plum for participating really well in all of the learning at home, including all of the morning catch ups.
Miss Davies was impressed with this child’s hard work and great attitude.
Ethan for joining Teams meetings everyday and for being proud of your home learning and sharing it with the class. You watched all the learning videos and Miss Bache can see you have made progress in Phonics. You know all the Phase 3 sounds that have been taught and are getting better at forming your letters. Keep up the hard work at home!
Naomi for producing some excellent writing. She worked by herself when using the picture strip to write three sentences that have adjectives, verbs and an adverb.
Lois for trying so hard with her handwriting. She has learnt to write using cursive letters and correctly join her letters. Super effort!
Brandon for an excellent piece of sentence writing using the past tense. Brandon also used his neatest cursive writing when writing these sentences.
Noah has been working hard on his Maths at school this week, creating ten with a tens frame.
James is always asking lots of super questions about his learning. In English he was able to identify all the features of a newspaper report, presented his work neatly and included super illustrations and captions. What a star!
Ben for super work with arrays and for challenging himself by writing the multiplication sentences.
Leonardo for putting in an amazing effort with his online learning. His work is always presented to a good standard and he often goes beyond what is expected of him.
Miss Langley has really noticed that this super star has tried so hard with her online learning, asking lots of questions in calls, trying to help other children and always trying her best with all subjects. She worked especially hard in English when looking at features of newspapers. In Maths she not only completed her array worksheet but tried demonstrating them with Lego bricks.
Miss Marshall has chosen this child for excellent research on cereals at home this week, finding the sugar and fibre content in each one and identifying the healthiest choice.
Lexi for her hard work with maths this week. She has worked really hard to understand exchanging in division and has learnt to use a variety of methods for division.
This child has been working really hard both online and at home and done some excellent research during her PE lesson.
Connor has worked really hard all week and produced some particularly impressive work in division.
James H for an amazing and informative poster about David Attenborough.
Dylan for maintaining an impressive attitude all work and ensuring all his work is completed to the best of his ability.
Bailey for creating an epic 3D poster for his topic online learning. It was very creative and his presentation was incredibly neat, well done.
This pupil has been working extremely hard at home and produced fantastic work for every lesson. The work is done with real care, patience and effort and Mr Crowter loves receiving it.
Lexi has worked really hard and improved her understanding of long multiplication this week.
Marley for a fantastic attitude towards learning and trying hard all week. Mrs Stone was particularly impressed with his non-chronological report.
Megan has put a huge amount of effort into every bit of work she has done at home over the last week and half. She follows all the instructions we give carefully and the standard of work produced has been excellent.
Max has been in class working hard every day. He has participated well in all the learning and even when he has had to have playtimes by himself, he hasn’t complained. He has also been a great technical support!
Verna for having completed all the work to a very high standard. He has also helped other people on posts.
Summer for working really hard and showing good determination to complete the learning.
Charlie for working really hard in the bubble. His effort has impressed all of the year 6 teachers – keep it up!
Aaron for completing all his work on-line at home and also being incredibly helpful towards other people in the class, using the on-line chat to explain questions and help with people’s technical difficulties!