Winter Crafts

Winter fun day was a huge hit in Year 1! The children had fun getting crafty and making lots of exciting things for their loved ones. As part of the children’s topic this term, ‘The Queen’s Present’ the children have made gifts which they are excited to hand out to the local community this Christmas. They have chosen someone special; parents, grandparents, friends and siblings to hand their gift to. The gifts have defiinitely been made with love and care!

As part of their learning the children have been using the different skills of printing, rubbing, rolling, folding and sewing to make their crafts. Wow, they have been busy! The children took their time to sew super penguins and snowmen. They also used their printing skills to make calendars and their own wrapping paper. Baubles were also a huge hit, the children carefully folded circles into semi circles to ensure they had a perfectly round bauble, fantastic! The cards the children chose to create used the technique of rubbing pastels onto black card. After carefully drawing the silhouette using bright colours it left a fantastic effect on all of the children’s cards. Year 1 hope you enjoy their gifts if you are lucky enough to receive one this Chritsmas.