A Tongo-tastic write up!

Year 6 have been learning about the classification system in science and then they have applied this knowledge to their made up reptile: “The Tongo Lizard”. Their job was to create an information text that included scientific vocabulary to classify the reptile along with an eye-catching display. Here are some of their finished pieces:


They then applied these facts and their imagination of the Tongo Lizard to their writing lessons, where they wrote non-chronological reports about their reptile. They ensured that all facts were used from their topic books to make their writing cross-curricular and seem as though they had read a real information text to gather information. After thinking of catchy subheadings and organising their ideas, each child worked hard to include a variety of sentence starters that were magpied and adapted from real non-chronological reports. Phrases such as “Many scientists believe that…” and “Like most other reptiles,” were included to enhance the formality.