Super Plum class!

The children in Plum class have had a brilliant start at Winton! They have been amazing at coming into school in the mornings after giving their mummies and daddies big (and very important) hugs and waves.  Mrs Nicholls, Miss Westhead and I are all very impressed. The children are enjoying making new friends and playing with the lovely toys we have in Plum class and in the Reception garden. Lots of children have got their first shiny space points for reading at home three times, and some children have already got two stickers for home reading! Well done all of you. We all know how important it is to read at home, so thank you parents and grandparents for your support with this. Here are some photos of what we’ve been up to during our first days together in Plum class. 

We love cutting and sticking!


The doll’s houses have also been very popular and the children have been doing excellent sharing and role play together. 


Some of the children have been enjoying playing with the cars and the car mat, along with the toy food. It is always a good idea to have some snacks on a long journey!


Other children have used the number tiles to make a number line, while some have tried to cover numicon base boards with different shapes. 

Lots of children have been doing some very careful colouring and making things with the Lego. We have all had a fantastic couple of weeks!