Thanks to everyone who continues to send us pictures of the learning that they’ve been doing at home. This week, people have been up to a variety of things. Some people have taken advantage of the nice weather and have sent in pictures of some of the things they have grown which are now coming into flower and fruit.
Remember that it is really important that you continue to read at home and we’re really pleased to see what people have been reading.
There were some great newspaper reports inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
One person worked super hard on her ecosystem. She took a very wet visit to the river and explored the area. She got in touch with her uncle who is a marine biologist who gave her loads of good advice and tips and then she drew and painted and wrote up all her findings.
This person made their own colour mixing lamp using separate circuits to control red, green and blue LEDs. Fantastic!
And there has been some great art work too…
Look at the slideshow below to see some more examples of your fantastic work.