Back at school!

The children in one bubble have been so busy over the past week, and it is really lovely to see so many smiling faces come into the classroom every morning. It has been a delight to have them back! 

Our day is a little different to normal, however the children have enjoyed the routine of still doing a daily phonics lesson and a daily maths lesson. I have been impressed that they still recognise the letters and the sounds they make, and their handwriting is still neat and joined! 

We really enjoyed pointing to the letters and saying all the sounds.

In maths we were learning about partitioning and how numbers are made up of tens and ones. We drew pictures to represent the tens and ones and also used objects to help us. 

We have had lots of brain breaks throughout the day where we get to go outside and play games together. We also have enjoyed brain breaks in the classroom; look at the boys dancing away to Go Noodle. 

In science we have been learning about the weather and had to write and draw what the weather was like outside. 

We have also been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy, who makes art using natural materials. Today we went into the courtyard and had a wonderful time trying to find a rainbow of plants. Here are some of the colours we found. 

We also had a go at making our own natural artwork, although the breeze was a little annoying; it kept blowing away what we had made! 

What a busy, fun time we are having!